The only app that pits volcanoes against spaceships. Learn how the carbon footprint of one thing stacks up against another. Simple, yes? Let’s CARBONIZE.
STARTA pear is worth 200 something in carbon emission, #CarbonizeFACT
grams CO2e
Now that’s a fact that needs sharing. And for every 100 shares, we’ll plant a tree with American Forests’ Global Re-leaf Campaign that will store 1 tonne of CO2. Neat.
10,304 shares and counting. That’s 1,030 tonnes of CO2 dealt with.
Data comes from Mike Berners-Lee’s authoritative book, How Bad Are Bananas? References are too extensive to list here, but include the Carbon Trust, Defra, BREEAM, WWF, the Stockholm Environmental Institute and The Guardian.
This handy little tool is brought to you by your friendly corporate e-card company. We care greatly about our environment, so – aside from Carbonize – we plant 10 trees for every corporate e-card you buy.
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