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What to Write in a Business Christmas Card

Writing a Christmas card as a business, either to your employees or clients, can be trickier than you think – a short and simple message or a letter approach?

It could be that you have been sending Christmas emails, but a card or even an eCard is much in keeping with the season, it shows the recipient that you’ve made an effort. The same should be said for what you write in it.

Like all matters of communication in a business, you have to show that you care and value everyone associated with your company. So, eCo2 Greetings has come up with some tips and ideas on Christmas card messaging for your company.

Read on to find out what to write in a business Christmas card to your employees and customers…

Why should I write a business Christmas card?

Showing you care and value those connected with your business is hugely important – and just around the festive season.

Read more: Best Ways for Businesses to Communicate with Customers

From an employee standpoint, this all forms part of maintaining a high morale and job satisfaction rate – it also shows you’re a good boss. You don’t have to go overboard – this is a card, remember. Christmas can be busy for many businesses – and its staff – so lift their spirits. You need to get involved in your employees’ lives – show them that you care about them and they have a network to rely on. It shows you value them.

Learn more about our Christmas eCards for the upcoming season

The same can be said for your clients – a positive relationship means a loyal customer. Clients respond more to the personal touch and reaching out for special occasions can have a huge impact. A Christmas eCard is one way to achieve this. Many businesses have their busiest time at Christmas and will appreciate a personal message of support. This is a great way to build a relationship, so clients will think of you for additional services in the future.

Short and Sweet

Obviously, this is the simplest approach to writing a business Christmas card – especially if you have a lot to get through.

That doesn’t mean you can run out the same message for every recipient – chances are that they may compare cards with each other. Copying the same message really negates the whole point of sending the card in the first place – it means you don’t really care and are treating it as a bit of an exercise. That’s a turn-off to staff and clients alike.

Read more: How businesses can save themselves & employees money at Christmas

Try writing your short messages differently for each recipient – add something about their favourite team, how long they’ve been with your business, holiday plans etc. It all shows that you are invested in them, not only as an employee, but as a person. It shows you are interested in their personal lives – even if it’s only mentioned – and it will make a difference.

When you’re writing a short message for a client, do the same thing. Write an additional note or anecdote that only you know, it shows you are invested in them and share a strong relationship. You may be thankful for it when it comes time to retaining services, for example.

The Letter Approach

If you run a smaller business, this may be much easier to do than with a large workforce of clientele – unless you fancy yourself as a part-time writer.

Read more: The Best Eco Christmas Markets to Visit This Festive Season

This is an opportunity for you to really connect with your employees and clients when you otherwise may not be able to. A letter approach affords you the chance to have more of a conversation and build a relationship. In some cases, it can help you get to know new staff and clients at a time when they need a bit of relief from planning for the festivities.

A point to make here is that you can really go with different messages. For those that you have a longer history and relationship with, you can be a bit looser with jokes and experiences you’ve shared. Whereas with new staff, particularly those who arrived unsure of themselves, you can give them encouragement or discuss your pride in their development. This all goes a long way to them feeling welcomed and valued in a new workplace.

Learn more about our incredible eCards – Premium and for Christmas

For longer messages to your clients, this isn’t a time to discuss a return on their investment or results – you have reports for that. Instead, particularly if you’ve met them, balance your tone between professional with personal. If you know that they are looking forward to new possibilities in their company or have personal plans – say so. Use details specific to them, such as big news, a special occasion or a new addition to their family or business.

Show how much you’re thinking about your recipient during the holiday season and you’ll be rewarded. Loyalty, higher morale, staff having higher job satisfaction and work ethic.

Look Ahead

Finally, comes the prelude to your sign-off, looking ahead to the future – and we mean more than just adding ‘Happy New Year’.

Discover our Christmas games, perfect for breaking the working week in December

Look to the new year and the challenges you can face together or the growth that you hope to happen, both personally and professionally. Like the above, if you know an employee or client has something big happening in the near future, say so and share your excitement.

Sign-off with a joke, quote, religious passage – whatever takes your fancy and relates to the recipient of the card. You can always do this, for staff anyway, followed up by a p.s. alluding to your company Christmas party or lunch that is later in the day or week.

Final Tips

  • Be personable – show your interest in the recipient
  • Tailor each card to who you are sending it to
  • If you are including jokes, do so to relate to their humour
  • If you want to include a religious passage, check if your follows a faith or not
  • Look ahead to the future, you want to continue your relationship with them

Eco 2 Greetings is here to help your business with our selection of high-quality eco-friendly bespoke eCards – you can quickly design your own with a choice of templates available, choose from our range of Premium eCards which will include animation, or get something extra special with our completely bespoke eCard service!

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