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Use less toner and ink when you print #OneWorldChange


Tip – Set printers to print in draft by default. #oneworldchange

HP Printer ave on toner

Most printers have different quality settings depending on the type of document you wish to print. Typically these levels are ‘draft’, ‘normal’ and ‘best’. The higher the quality, the more toner and ink is used to create the printed image.

For many documents that are printed, the ‘draft’ mode, which uses the least toner and ink, will produce perfectly acceptable quality. However, printers are usually set to default to ‘normal’ printing. Some devices allow you to set the default printing mode – in which case, change it to draft. Others don’t but users can always select ‘draft’ mode, or the lowest quality equivalent, from the printer settings each time they print. Make the change and educate staff on the impact of their printing choices.

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