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Upcycle your land fill #OneWorldChange


Tip – Get any landfill waste from your business sent to energy from waste incinerators #OneWorldChange

Green Services

Most companies recycle their waste to some extent because of waste regulations but when all the cardboard, paper, plastic and glass has been reclaimed, what about the significant ‘other’ that is left over? Currently, most of it goes to landfill where we are running out of space and paying an increasing premium every year as a response to this.

The benefits of sending un-recyclable waste to landfill can include:

  • On-going cost savings
  • Revenue generation
  • Meeting legal requirements of Waste Regulations
  • Positive PR
  • Improved environmental performance
  • Competitive advantage over others in your industry who are not zero waste to landfill

But beware of claiming zero in relation to the proportion of your waste to landfill because there is always something left over after incineration and that has to go somewhere. Here’s a recent article looking at the confusion resulting from challenges to some blue chips regarding their ‘zero’ waste to landfill claims.

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