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Think Before You Print #OneWorldChange


Tip – Set an environmentally friendly email signature #oneworldchange

Think before you print

It is extraordinary how much paper, toner and power is wasted by the habit some people have of printing off emails.

It is simple, however, to add an environmentally friendly message to the footer of each email asking the reader to “Please consider the environment before printing this email”, or similar message.

This can be easily set up by your email service administrator or by individual users by adding the message to their individual ‘signature’. All modern email services have this feature.

If you have a more sophisticated Managed Print Service then it may be possible to block printing of emails altogether (with the ability to over-ride if there is an absolute need to do so).

For more green business tips follow our hashtag #OneWorldChange

Eco 2 Greetings is here to help your business with our selection of high-quality eco-friendly eCards – you can quickly design your own with a choice of templates available, choose from our range of Premium eCards which will include animation, or get something extra special with our completely bespoke eCard service!

Trusted for more than 10 years by some of the world's bigged brands.

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