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Hear what we've got to say on all green issues and the business ecards industry

Running out of time?

Try one of our ready made Ecards

Everything is done for you with out ready made ecards. All you have to do is put in your own unique content and choose who to send it to.

Set double sided printing as default #OneWorldChange


Tip – Make double sided printing the default on all your office printers #oneworldchange

Print on both sides

One of the most environmentally impactful daily activities in your office is printing. Printing impacts in 3 ways

  • The amount of paper printed
  • The ink and toner used
  • The power consumed by printers

The easiest way to cut down on the paper used is to print on both sides. Most office printers can do this and it is simple to set them up to print on both sides as the default setting (duplex printing). Alternatively, educate your staff to select double-sided printing in the print options dialog box when they print any document.

Implementing this change can cut paper consumption in half overnight.

Using our corporate ecards for business at Christmas instead of paper cards are another great way of cutting out paper consumption in your business.

For more green business tips follow our hashtag #OneWorldChange

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