Christmas is nigh upon thee! days to christmas Time to create your ecards!

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Everything is done for you with out ready made ecards. All you have to do is put in your own unique content and choose who to send it to.

Send Special Festive Greetings with Corporate Christmas Ecards

Sending e Christmas cards for business can make a fantastic impression on your clients, partners, colleagues, suppliers and other business associates in a variety of ways. Whilst traditional paper cards are still popular, e cards bring with them a number of key benefits which may prove irresistible.

Green and Convenient

One of the major reasons people use e cards today is because of their green credentials – no paper or card is used at any stage, ensuring no wastage of materials. Maintaining an ethical approach to the environment and our natural resources is a quality many companies now embrace in all aspects of business, and even the smallest changes count; sending e cards instead of paper cards is a small gesture, but an important one – which will be noticed. E cards are also highly convenient: they can be created quickly and easily, without having to post dozens of paper cards around the country and wider world, bypassing expensive delivery charges and long trips to the post office. With an extensive range of cards to choose from, your corporate Christmas greetings can be more vibrant and attractive than ever – sending an e card with an exciting animated design will make you stand out amongst your competitors, ensuring your company is remembered fondly over the Christmas season.

Designs to Suit all Personalities

At eCO2 Greetings, our huge range of designs features something for all tastes, no matter how formal or informal your corporate relations are. If you are closer to one client or colleague than another, our choice of designs includes light-hearted, traditional, sentimental and funny themes – all of which can be customised with your own personal message, and a festive Christmas tune can even be added to make the occasion extra-special. Of course, you can send any number of Christmas e cards, whether you want to send one to every colleague, client, or supplier, or just a select few; each of these can include your corporate logo, or even links to your social media profiles (ideal for promoting your corporate accounts for clients or for inviting colleagues to look you up).

No Last-minute Rushes

Compiling a complete list of recipients means certain people or organisations may be forgotten – until the last minute! There may have been several times in Christmases past when you have remembered a valued client late on Christmas Eve – by which time, it’s too late to send a paper card. With e cards, however, this is no longer an issue: you can put your unique card together and send it to the recipient within minutes. And, if you have a standard template saved from a previous card, the process will be even easier and faster.

Corporate Christmas ecards are an ideal way to greet clients, colleagues and other corporate associates in a quick, no-stress, no-fuss way, so whatever you’re looking for, dive on in!

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