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Hear what we've got to say on all green issues and the business ecards industry

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Try one of our ready made Ecards

Everything is done for you with out ready made ecards. All you have to do is put in your own unique content and choose who to send it to.

Purchase Green Office Stationary #OneWorldChange


Tip – Purchase recycled paper and green office stationary  #OneWorldChange

Use Recycled Paper

Purchasing green goods for your business is an easy and tangible way of making a difference to the carbon footprint of your operation.  Every few seconds the shared printer in your office is likely to be humming away and at regular intervals being refuelled with paper by you or colleagues.  Recycled paper will go a long way to reducing the environmental impact of this behaviour.

If you want to go further than just paper then you can research green stationary suppliers with just a 2 minute internet search.  So it isnt just business ecards that can easily transform your company green credentials.

For more green tips follow the hashtag #OneWorldChange

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