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Increase your eCO awareness and host on carbon neutral IT

Buying Business Ecards with eCO2 Greetings is a fantastic way to reduce your carbon footprint but so is hosting your IT infrastructure on Carbon neutral infrastructure.

The US & Europe are committed to reducing their industrial Carbon emissions so what are we doing about it now? What can we do about it? Well the IT industry are leading the way in providing eco friendly options for the market. Probably the best method of doing so for Small to Medium sized companies is to host your IT infrastructure on carbon neutral networks. Web hosting companies are increasingly advertising that their servers are solar powered or recycled hardware. What better way to enjoy Business Ecards than in the knowledge that the product and your enjoyment of it is completely eco friendly.

As 189 of the worlds largest economic playing countries currently debate a collaborative approach to climate change at a united nations summit, they would do well not to discuss the promotion or even forcing the world to adopt such eco friendly technologies as Carbon neutral servers or business ecards.

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