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The most endangered animals around the world

Our planet has an abundance of animals which help ecosystems around the world thrive. Red Pandas, Tigers and Sumatran Tigers are just a few animals that walk this earth. But, what happens when they start to become endangered and potentially go extinct?

Unfortunately, we are seeing many species become endangered and sadly go extinct – in 2018 we saw three bird species go extinct: The Cryptic Treehugger, Alagoas Foliage-gleaner and the Hawaiin Po’ouli.

We also saw the last male northern white rhino die at a wildlife sanctuary in Kenya in 2018 – with just two females left, there is no way to reproduce and continue this species now.

The Center for Biological Diversity has said: “We’re currently experiencing the worst spate of species die-offs since the loss of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago” this should be understood by the human race and we must do something to reverse the extinction and fix this mass problem.

It has also recently been brought to our attention that giraffes have been added to the endangered species list of animals under threat of extinction.

Numbers of the long-necked mammals have gone down by 40% over the last three decades, mostly as a result of human activity in their habitats. Although only two of the subspecies is becoming endangered, and the other seven are slowly increasing, it is the act of humans poaching them that is affecting their survival rates.

eCo2 Greetings has created an interactive map that highlights some of the most endangered and critically endangered species around the world.

All of these animals play a vital part in our ecosystems and their existence is in our hands. So, how can we as a planet improve the future of their existence?


Take a look at the map here to see just what species are endangered and how each country can work together to save them.

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