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Corporations That Care - Corporations Go Carbon Neutral


Source: http://pixabay.com/en/industry-sunrise-clouds-fog-611668/

It’s no secret that climate change is a serious problem. Burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas releases carbon dioxide and triggers our climate change, but there are ways to offset that impact. This is called, becoming carbon neutral.

Have you heard of Carbon Offsets?

The principle of carbon neutrality, sometimes also called climate neutrality, is that if you make a local change, it can have a positive impact to help balance out the negative impact taking place elsewhere. Carbon offsets are credits for emission reduction. Projects such as solar installations, wind farms, and energy efficiency retrofits act as carbon offsets.

Some companies, like Google, are making a concerted effort to minimize their impact on the environment. Google has become carbon neutral. Other carbon neutral businesses include HSBC, Swiss Re, PepsiCo, Nike, Dell, and Vancity, all of which have committed to making their entire operations carbon neutral. The World Bank has also committed to being carbon neutral, as has Microsoft.

Source: http://pixabay.com/en/beach-wind-farm-bangui-ilocos-norte-375069/

To offset their electricity use, organizations like Wells Fargo, Whole Foods, the EPA and the city of Vail, CO have purchased large quantities of renewable energy certificates.

The entertainment industry is also getting in on carbon neutrality. The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, The Dave Matthews Band, and Coldplay have offset the emissions associated with their albums and live concerts. Movie studios are offsetting the emissions from the production of feature films. BSkyB, MTV, and News Corp are offsetting the emissions associated with their media broadcasts. Even sporting events as large as the World Cup have gone carbon neutral, and many athletes have as well.

Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/WaGriz_RollingStones.jpg/959px-WaGriz_RollingStones.jpg

Many hotels are also providing carbon neutral accommodations. Some airlines are offsetting all of their flights. Other airlines are starting to offer customers the option to offset their flights.

Are you ready to become carbon neutral? Try the Carbon Emission Calculator to learn more about the impact that you can begin to offset.



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