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Corporate holiday ecards enhanced with logos

Purchasing an ecard via from your Christmas ecards business without your logo is like having Christmas dinner without roasted potatoes.  Of course that’s just my opinion and an insight into my personal penchant for crispy potatoes with the best meal of the year.  At eCO2 Greetings we are happy to serve customers needs and the use of the company logo isn’t for everybody however we always gently try to persuade people to go with content that is proven to maximise the marketing potential of the product.

Why would a company choose not to use their logo in their corporate holiday ecards?  Some of our clients do not have a logo or are going through a rebrand so the decision to exclude a logo is probably the correct decision in that case.  We do however speak to numerous companies who feel that they wish to keep a personal tone to the ecard and not let the ecard be interpreted as a sales or promotional tool.  The sentiment of that decision should of course be applauded because it is a very personal time of year when relationships should be celebrated.  However, your customers aren’t naïve.  They understand exactly why you have chosen to send them an ecard i.e. to reinforce a relationship for the good of the long term commercial arrangement. So if we acknowledge this then we shouldn’t tip toe around a stronger branding around the ecard.  You can still ensure that the wording of your message in the card is suitably sincere to convey the personal tone you want to achieve and a logo will not detract from that.

Your logo is one of your companies most powerful marketing assets.  Even a poorly designed logo will be one of the few visual items that will stimulate your clients to psychologically associate your business.  The logo is almost a symbol of your relationship.  Why would you therefore overlook a great opportunity in the calendar to accompany your logo with a positive experience.  Who knows, the next time they see your logo it could be on your company letter head paper requesting an extension to their contract.  The logo will be associated with positivity.

AllBusiness wrote a great article about why companies should have a logo.  The article was in particular focused towards new start-ups because they are the businesses most likely to be without logo assets.  They believe that a logo give clients a sense of stability. “You may not have been in business “since 1908,” but if you have invested in your identity, you are more likely to remain firm and relevant in the eyes of your customers. It goes a long way toward building that all-important ‘trust’”.  With this in mind it makes sense that you should therefore accompany your logo with the messages of goodwill to demonstrate that you mean what you say.  Your kind words are backed up by your brand.  You are willing to stake your brands reputation.

Summary – Your corporate ecards can be fun, personal and heart felt even with your humble logo pride of place.  If however you still disagree then follow your gut feeling.  It’s very important to us that you feel 100% confident with your ecard project.

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