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Try one of our ready made Ecards

Everything is done for you with out ready made ecards. All you have to do is put in your own unique content and choose who to send it to.

Corporate E Cards are not just for Christmas

As the old saying goes “dogs are not just for Christmas”, well communicating with your clientele in a non commercial way needn’t only be at Christmas time.  Corporate E Cards are the perfect tool for doing so.


As a customer and a supplier I find nothing nicer than to receive news from my clients that something is happening to their organisation that they wish to share with me.  I feel like a valued passenger on a shared journey.  These feelings retain my loyalty to them as a supplier or customer.  I am sure I am not alone in these positive feelings when on the receiving end of such a communication.  Something is stoked inside of us to create an immediate impression towards the sender and left is a lasting feeling of loyalty.


Corporate E Cards are the perfect tool for notifying customers of anything new in your company.  I received a couple of Corporate E cards recently from a supplier who was rebranding and wished to assure me that this would not affect the level of customer service, their pricing and product features.  By the end of the messages I was reassured that actually the rebrands would be a positive to me.  The Corporate E Cards were an informal way of communicating such news rather than the branded letters / e-mails that I never read.


So if any of us have anything positive to say about our company why not let our clients know using Corporate E Cards, I am sure they will want to know where we are going.

Trusted for more than 10 years by some of the world's bigged brands.

Air Canada