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Market your new product using Corporate Ecards

Your company is launching a new product and you need to build awareness of it within your existing customer base and the sales leads you have relationships with. Marketing teams have an armoury of tools available to them in order to build awareness of their products. Corporate ecards offer a very simple, professional and cost effective mechanism to increase product awareness to complement a companies existing marketing tools. The Ecard market should not be so arrogant to feel that we are the answer to all marketing needs but we should be proud that we offer a product of value to businesses.

Launching a new product is usually accompanied by a penetrative pricing strategy so to gain market share. Such aggressive pricing should be shouted from the roof tops so a marketing strategy should be devised to let your existing and prospective customer base know of the bargain that awaits them. Corporate Ecards can achieve this for your business.

Telling customers about your new products is a key marketing initiative however it is equally important to plug the products that are more mature in their respective product life cycles. Marketing a product should not only be in a products launch but throughout the full life of the product. Even in a products decline a small investment in advertising the product could squeeze something extra out of it before it dies. Corporate ecards offer a simple tool to achieve that.

eCO2 Greetings Ecards offer their customers the opportunity to write anything they like about themselves on any of the pages of the Corporate ecards, so the ability to talk about a product is quite easy in amongst the goodwill message that the product is designed to convey.

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