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7 Reasons You Need to Promote Your Companys Green Profile

No business can afford to ignore the environmental impacts of what they do. Our company is very much aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of your business by offering holiday ecards for business that eliminate the carbon footprint of print cards (printing, postage, etc.) But why go green?
A green business is one that strives to have a beneficial impact on the environment via various protocols such as going paper-free. Creating a green profile for a business means making promises to commit to a sustainable future, both in terms of the company and the environment. A huge part of a green business profile is about showing how environmental ethics and profit needn’t be mutually exclusive.
Here are seven great reasons why developing a green profile could benefit your business like it has ours.

1. Helping the environment
It’s the bottom line of all green activities – helping the environment – or at the very least, not harming it further. A lot of green profiles centre on being carbon neutral. Going carbon neutral means cancelling out the damage caused by travelling to and from work in a car, using paper and so on. Aiming for a carbon neutral existence is something we believe most office environments can aim for.
2. Company reputation
Having great green credentials is very desirable both in terms of how your customers see you and how suppliers view your business. We wear our green credentials proudly and we know that attracts clients who are actively looking for ethical services.
3. Staff motivation
Offering incentives to reuse, recycle and generally implement good green habits can be a superb way to really motivate employees to try their best. The green profile is something that should also benefit the community of the company.
4. Traction within the green economy
Being green is becoming less of an abnormality in the business world. The green economy isn’t just about solar panels and using email christmas cards for business; it’s about embracing a way of doing business that will likely be the norm within our lifetime.
5. Building for the future
The world cannot continue to support poor resource management and wastefulness. By implementing a green profile your company is planning for a future and can track back a clear green path to boost reputation and provide sure footing in future green economies.
6. Government incentives
As the green economy and global awareness of green business practices gains a following, it’s likely government incentives like tax credits will become more common, especially for small businesses looking to build an ethical company from the ground up.
7. Filling a niche
It’s never been easier to fill a niche. Just look at our business; we’re an environmentally ethical company filling a very specific niche that can be adapted to almost every type of company, i.e. our e cards can be as useful to a local dentist as to an international shipping firm.

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